Wednesday, January 1, 2014

All Glory Be To Christ


For some this means being "firmly determined to do something." In chemistry it means, "to separate (an optically inactive compound or mixture) into its optically active components." For musicians it means, "to cause (a chord or tone) to undergo resolution." But for about 50 students and leaders resolved means a retreat in Ocean City, New Jersey to celebrate the New Year. As a youth leader I always think that I'm in youth ministry in order to help, but I am quickly shown again and again that I'm the one in greatest need of help! Over the past two days there was great teaching, worship through singing, and fellowship. One of the songs that we sang was "All Glory be to Christ." Although I had heard it before it hit me in a way that it never has before. Singing and reflecting on this past year brought a lot of emotions and thoughts to my mind. I am so incredibly thankful that Christ is the living water that satisfies my every need, that this living water is given without price, and that ALL glory goes to Christ! We are told to come and drink freely of the living water that is Christ. What a blessing and a joy that we can remember that truth not just on the beginning of a new year, but every single day of the year. 

While celebrating the New Year with friends last night I had many mixed emotions. This was an amazing year with memories that I will never forget. The Lord was pleased to abundantly bless the ministries at both Grace Baptist and North Shore. He grew the youth group and provided for every need that we had. The missions’ trip that I went on to the Dominican Republic was an incredible blessing and so many people heard the Gospel for the first time ever! God was so good. However, this was also an extremely difficult year because my Grandma died. Many close friends moved away and I experienced confusion about where the Lord was leading me in the future. BUT God was still faithful. During my time of reflection I realized that every single part of this year, both the good and the bad, was good. It wasn't good because it made me comfortable. It wasn't good because I was happy all the time. It was good because God was faithful and every single thing that He does brings glory to His name. As you start 2014 never forget who gets all the glory. Don't forget that in the good AND in the bad He is still God, He is still good, and He is still glorified. Rest in that. 

"All Glory be to Christ" by King Kaleidoscope

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting! I also really enjoyed singing "All Glory Be to Christ". Here's a link to an MP3 recording of Camp Impact singing it:
